E-Learning Print E-mail


The value of e-learning lies in its flexibility.  Organisations have constraints over costs, time, locations or geography and culture.  E-learning is the solution to customising and meeting such diverse needs without losing sight of the intent of the organisations.  For example, financial product features may be similar, but market regulations and how consumers respond to each product may differ.  E-learning is an excellent vehicle to maximise subject-matter content usage with specific moderations to suit each country or culture. It is also an excellent vehicle to educate employees en masse with little constraints and at the same time allowing the learners to internalise learning according to their respective learning capability, pace and speed.

E-Learning Program Development

E-learning is adapted by many organisations to complement highly interactive, face to face, workshop training.  We understand the need and have therefore collaborated with Delphi Digital, Inc. (Taiwan) to bring you the knowledge, expertise so that e-learning can be a vehicle to your success.